Information in accordance with article 13 of law No. 196/2003 Ladies and Gentlemen, The law 196/2003 (Italian Privacy Code) provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data. According to the law, your data will be treated correctly and confidentially. In accordance with article 13 of law 196/2003, we inform you: 1. The supplied data will be used for the following purposes: correspondence 2. The data processing is done in the following ways: E-mail and postal 3. The distribution of your data is voluntarily / binding (if binding indicate the reason). An eventual refusal to supply your data has no consequences / has consequences on the fulfillment or partial fulfillment of the contract / on the continuation of our business relationship. 4. Your information will not be disclosed to third parties or broadcast. 5. The owner of the data processing is: Alfred Friedrich 6. The person in charge of data processing is: Alfred Friedrich 7. You can at any time in relation to the owner of the data processing, your rights in accordance with article 7 of legislative decree 196/2003 which is reproduced below in full at this point: Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, Article 7 – Right to access personal data and other rights 1. The person concerned has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether data are available concerning them, even if they are not yet recorded, and shall further have the right to receive this data is transmitted in an intelligible form. 2. The person concerned has the right to information about a) the origin of personal data; b) the purpose and procedure of processing; c) the logic applied if the data are processed electronically; d) the identification details of the holder, the person responsible and the meaning of Article 5, paragraph 2 designated representative; e) the persons or classes of persons to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may come in as a State area representatives, managers or assigned. 3. The person concerned has the right to f) the updating, correction or, if interested, integration of the data; will want to g), that unlawfully processed data deleted, made anonymous or blocked if it also applies to data whose retention for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed, is not necessary; h) a certification to the effect that the operations mentioned in letters a) and b), also regarding their content, have been notified to whom the data or where they were disseminated, unless this proves impossible or not the use of means in relation to the right being safeguarded. 4. The person concerned has the right to wholly or partially a) the processing of personal data concerning them to oppose, for legitimate reasons, even though pertinent to the purpose of collection; b) the processing of personal data regarding him or her, if it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for market research or commercial communication. Informations about cookies We utilize so-called cookies on our site. These cookies are small data files of text that your internet browser files on your utilized terminal device and they will be stored there. A cookie itself does not basically contain or compile any personal information about you or your use of the internet. However, personal data can then be stored on cookies if you have consented to this action, or if this action appears to be absolutely essential for technical reasons (e.g., in order to enable a protected log-in). However, the cookies on your computer or utilized terminal device can ensure that the services and content that are specially adapted to suit your requirements will be provided when visiting a web site: for example, to remind you about your chosen products and settings. However, only the cookie on your terminal device will be identified while doing so and not your terminal device or you yourself. We utilize cookies in order to remind ourselves about your choice and your settings, as well as to increase the usability in this way by means of improving our web site and offering contents that are optimally tailored to suit your requirements. The cookies enable us to store the following things, among others. – Your browser’s settings, like for example the type of browser that you utilize and which plug-in devices you have installed. This procedure prevents us from asking you during every visit to our web site about whether you have installed the necessary software for typically displaying the videos or graphics that we provide on our internet pages. – Your choice of countries and languages. If you have chosen English once as your preferred language at any time, then it becomes the standard language which will be utilized automatically during your next visit to our web site. – Your movements on our web site and their use. We do not compile any personal data during the course of this procedure but we do compile statistical data instead, which contributes to optimizing our web site. We can also commission the media agencies or affiliated marketing companies that offer us their marketing services to set cookies. Their cookie is necessary in order to monitor whether our marketing campaigns are efficient. We can coordinate the contents of our web site with your requirements targetedly in this way and we can improve our offer for you as a result. However, these cookies do not store any personal data. Some cookies are valid until you close your browser, whereas others will be stored for a longer period. How do I prevent the cookies from being placed? Most of the web browsers accept cookies automatically. You can prevent the cookies from being stored on your computer or terminal device by adjusting your browser so that it does not accept any cookies. Some browsers offer a special mode in which the cookies will always be deleted after the visit to a web site. This function is called “In private browser” with Internet Explorer 8 or a newer version; “Incognito“ with Google Chrome Version 10 and newer: “Private mode” with Firefox Version 3.5 and newer; “Privates surfing” with Safari Version 2 and newer and “Private tab” with Opera Version 10.5 and newer. The “Help” area of your browser gives you precise instructions about how to alter your cookie settings. You can always delete the cookies that are already stored on your computer or device. If you generally decide not to accept any cookies for this purpose, then you can obviously visit and use our web site despite that; however, we cannot guarantee that the browsing experience will be optimum if the cookies are deactivated and it can happen that certain contents are unavailable and it is only possible to use the web site restrictedly as a result. For more information about deleting/disabling cookies we want to refer you to this website.
Per il del trattamento dei dati personali evt. Anche sensibili in conformità del Regolamento UE per la protezione della privacy 679/2016 (GDPR) Schwaigerhof di Alfred Friedrich, in qualità di Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali (di seguito Titolare), in conformità del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR) e del Codice della privacy in vigore sul territorio italiano, La informa in qualità di interessato (di seguito Interessato), che i Suoi dati saranno trattati per le finalità e con le modalità seguenti. 1. Finalità e base giuridica del trattamento dei dati personali: La raccolta e il trattamento dei dati personali forniti dagli interessati avvengono esclusivamente al fine di eseguire le procedure operative nonché per eventuali obblighi di legge e normativi correlati. Tra gli scopi rientrano: – le attività tecniche ed economiche dell’ impresa – la ricerca di personale – l’amministrazione del personale – il sostegno e accompagnamento di persone integrate per la integrazione lavorativa La base giuridica per il trattamento dei Suoi dati personali si fonda sul consenso al trattamento dei propri dati personali per le suddette finalità. 2. Modalità del trattamento I dati verranno trattati con il supporto di mezzi informatici e/o telematici nonché in forma cartacea nel rispetto della sicurezza e riservatezza necessarie. 3. Periodo di conservazione I Suoi dati saranno conservati per un periodo di tempo non superiore a quello necessario al raggiungimento delle finalità indicate e comunque per il tempo strettamente necessario all’espletamento degli adempimenti previsti per legge, decorsi i quali gli stessi verranno distrutti ovvero resi anonimi. 4. Natura obbligatoria o facoltativa del conferimento dei dati e conseguenze di un eventuale rifiuto a rispondere Il conferimento dei dati è facoltativo; tuttavia il mancato conferimento degli stessi, anche parziale, comporta l’impossibilità di realizzare le finalità su menzionate. 5. Destinatari dei dati personali I dati personali potranno essere trattati oltre che dal Titolare, dai Responsabili del trattamento esplicitamente nominati e dagli incaricati ovvero dalle persone che hanno accesso ai dati personali e agiscono sotto l’autorità del Titolare o del Responsabile del trattamento, strettamente autorizzati ed adeguatamente formati. 6.Trasferimento dei dati a un Paese terzo Il Titolare non trasferirà i Suoi dati personali ad un paese terzo o ad una organizzazione internazionale. 7. Esistenza di un processo decisionale automatizzato Non è presente un processo decisionale automatizzato. 8. Estremi identificativi del Titolare e del DPO Titolare del trattamento è Schwaigerhof di Alfred Friedrich, Scaleres 11, 39040 Varna, in persona del legale rappresentante. Dal analisi dei rischi (DPS) è stato rilevato che non è necessario nominare un DPO. 9. Diritti dell’interessato L’interessato ha diritto di chiedere al Titolare l’accesso ai dati che lo riguardano, la loro rettifica o la cancellazione, l’integrazione dei dati incompleti, la limitazione del trattamento, la portabilità dei dati e di proporre reclamo all’autorità nazionale, nonché di esercitare gli altri diritti riconosciuti dalla legge applicabile (art. 15 ss. GDPR). Qualora per il trattamento dei dati personali sia stato prestato il consenso, è riconosciuta la facoltà di revocarlo. L’esercizio dei diritti può essere esercitato scrivendo all’indirizzo e-mail: